Hello, 2021! Bring on the Food.

Hello, 2021! Bring on the Food.

I’m a goal-setter — I have high expectations for myself. I may not always reach them, but damn, I’m going to try. Some things stick — 8,000+ daily steps, flossing, eliminating soda. Others (most, if I’m honest) are a work in progress. So, yes, have food goals for 2021. Here’s what in my (most hopeful) plan for the year.

The Best Part of Cooking

The Best Part of Cooking

The day had a terrible start. But then, a really cool thing happened. It was time to start dinner, and I asked if he wanted to help. He instantly said yes. It was the first time other than our recent baking that he’s been interested.

Positives from the Pandemic

Positives from the Pandemic

Let’s start with the harsh reality: This pandemic is the worst. Reading stories of people suffering with and dying from COVID-19 is horrible. Thinking about the ramifications of going back to school this fall is terrible. Hearing stories from front-line healthcare is devastating.

Not seeing friends, not going to tee-ball practice, wearing masks in stores … It’s all awful.

Still, despite all the awful no-good terrible-ness … there have been a few positives to come out of this mess.