Meal Planning

Why Kids Need to Go Grocery Shopping

Why Kids Need to Go Grocery Shopping

At one time, my parents insisted I should go shopping by myself. Leave the baby at home; it will be easier, they said. They were right — it most definitely would have been easier. But I would have missed out on some really great memories, and my son would have missed out on a lot too. I insist that even though it can be annoying, taking kids with you to the store is smart. Here’s why.

6 Easy Steps for Using a Google Calendar for Meal Planning

For a while, I put the evening’s menu on a dry-erase whiteboard. It was fun and cute. (And occasionally, I still do it.) But it wasn’t a functional way to actually plan a week’s worth of meals. Now, I use a Google Calendar, and it’s been great for our family. Here’s how to use one easily in your home.

Yes, It's Time to Think About Next Thanksgiving

Congratulations! You have hosted a glorious and delicious Thanksgiving meal. (Or, hey, maybe you just barely survived — that deserves props too.) And hopefully, the dishes are almost done. If you are like us, it takes a few days to get caught up on all the dishes and cleaning  and leftovers.

But you're not quite "done" with Thanksgiving.

If you hosted or cooked anything at all for Thanksgiving, there is one additional task that I'd like to recommend from one home cook to another.

3-3-1 Meal Planning

3-3-1 Meal Planning

In my house, we are creatures of habit. With a toddler, routines and patterns are important, and frankly, my husband and I like our routines too. There’s benefit in mixing up the routine, of course, but there’s comfort and efficiency in sticking with a routine.

I still fall behind on meal planning regularly. But I do have a system that — if I do it — works really well for me. So, I thought I’d share it in case it helps someone else.