New Year's Resolutions

Hello, 2021! Bring on the Food.

Hello, 2021! Bring on the Food.

I’m a goal-setter — I have high expectations for myself. I may not always reach them, but damn, I’m going to try. Some things stick — 8,000+ daily steps, flossing, eliminating soda. Others (most, if I’m honest) are a work in progress. So, yes, have food goals for 2021. Here’s what in my (most hopeful) plan for the year.

New Year's Resolutions for Cooking with Kids

New Year's Resolutions for Cooking with Kids

Well, here's something kind of cool — when you cook with your kids, you can tackle parenting and health together. I've been thinking about some things I want to accomplish in the kitchen with my son this year, and I thought I'd share some ideas on New Year's resolutions as they relate to cooking.