Letting Kids Help With: Apple Pie


When I sat down to bake an apple pie — MY first — with my son a few weeks ago, I wasn’t sure exactly how long he’d last (it ended up being just over two hours) or how much he’d be able to do (quite a bit, as it turned out).

A few things young kiddos can help with as you bake your own apple pie this fall:

  • Smush together the flour, sugar and butter for the crust.

  • Crank an apple peeler/corer.

  • Slice apples (if you trust ‘em with a kid-safe knife).

  • Stir the filling over the stove (if they’re ready).

  • Roll the crust.

  • Crimp the top crust/slice holes in the top crust.

My boy working the apple peeler/corer/slicer.

My boy working the apple peeler/corer/slicer.

Enjoy fall baking season!