
Hello, 2021! Bring on the Food.

Hello, 2021! Bring on the Food.

I’m a goal-setter — I have high expectations for myself. I may not always reach them, but damn, I’m going to try. Some things stick — 8,000+ daily steps, flossing, eliminating soda. Others (most, if I’m honest) are a work in progress. So, yes, have food goals for 2021. Here’s what in my (most hopeful) plan for the year.

Today Is Mac & Cheese Day

Today Is Mac & Cheese Day

One of the hardest things about being the parent of a child with food allergies is worrying about how he feels when he sees other people eating things he can’t have. When his friends at school have cheese-and-cracker snacks, for example, is he jealous? Is he confused? Does he think his mom is cruel for sending apple slices and organic graham crackers … AGAIN?